What do you do when your girlfriend is very busy and you are in long distance relationship and conversation rarely happens

 How to convey your feelings and What do you do when your girlfriend is very busy and you are in a long-distance relationship and conversation rarely happens, do you breakup or not?

Image By scribbled media/Wajid shaikh

Some general advice for relationships first: If your only tool is to break up when things are not going well for you, you’re unlikely to ever have a successful relationship. You need to learn to communicate, and to work out your problems together, because no relationship is perfect and works smoothly automatically.

Now to long-distance relationships: They need even more verbal communication than local ones. Lots and lots of communication. You can’t just smile at each other and convey your feelings, you have to speak about them. You can’t just hug the other person to comfort them. All the many non-verbal bits that pass between two local people who’re romantically involved don’t happen automatically; you have to figure out ways to convey them in other ways. Verbal communication is also less spontaneous unless you make an effort, and all of that puts strain on forming a closer bond with each other. You need to both be creative and willing to work on it to overcome those obstacles.

Tell her how you feel. Don’t make it an accusation because that’s never a good start. Say you feel you’re drifting apart, that you don’t feel very connected to her. Tell her you realize she is busy (she probably has good reasons, such as school work), but that you need to feel more in touch. And then brainstorm on how you both can make that happen. Maybe better scheduling can help. Even busy people can make time if they realize it’s important.

Breaking up is for after your best try isn’t good enough. It is possible that the two of you can’t make it work; not everyone is cut out for an LDR, and of course not everyone can make it work with everyone else either, no matter how much you may have fallen in love. But I wouldn’t give up at the first hurdle

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