The last conservation between us and you know how i survive without you?

Those were the dying embers of our relationship

It was a mutual decision. Neither of us wanted it. I loved her. She loved me.

But the times were just not right

We had to choose our separate ways.It wasn't possible to stay friends anymore

I guess some things just can't be undone. Love can't be undone to call it friendship.

And the last time I talked to her,

Me: I hope we meet again, someday.

She: Me too.

Me: As strangers. We can begin again.

She: I want to. Maybe we'll be born in different families.

Me: I will pray.

She: I wish I could run away with you.

Me: Me too. But we promised not to do that.

She: Hmm.. Thanks for everything you have given me.

Me: Even you have done so much for me. Take care, sweetheart.

She: We will be fine, right? We will find someone for ourselves.

Me: Don't think about all that now.

She: I don't want to.

Me: What?


Me: Calm down. Plz. Dear…

She: Don't go. I will try again. Maybe they'll understand.

Me: I can't live like this. Hoping something that will never happen. I don't want to be breaking up with you, just 10 days before you are going to marry someone your mom chose for you. You know this. You just are afraid to let me go.

She: Yes. I am.

Me: I am going. We'll just be sitting all night, like this. Take care of yourself and your brother. Mom. Dad. Everyone.

She: I will love you, always.

Me: Nothing is always, baby. This too shall pass. One day you'll move on and fall for someone again.

She: Don't say that. Not now. Why do have to be so poetic all the time? I hate you.

Me: I hope you actually do one day. It'll be easier to move on.

She: But wajid,please remember me.

Me: You think I'll ever forget us?

She: So, it's time?

Me: It's time. You can ask me for any kind of help, even at 2 in the night. You know that. But just don't call unnecessarily.

She: You know I won't.

Me: Yeah. I know. Still, my doors are always open. Just letting you know.

She: Go offline, wajid ,I won't be able to do it. Block me from everywhere. Delete this number too. Let's do this properly this time.

Me: You too.

She: Have a good life.
#microtales #littleletterslinked #wajidsays
